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Website Designing
Category: College University

what is website Designing? | How website are designed?

Website Design means “TO design a website”. Creating websites and pages to reflect a company’s brand and information and ensure a user-friendly experience aspect of website development. Website designing refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet.

There are 2 most important steps to design a website…

·       Most important thing to know is don’t overload the information on your website home page.

·       Give enough padding, margin, and space between sections, paragraphs, and boxes.

·       The highlights feature if you use this feature to highlight the content it makes your website easy to use

·       The color of your website should match the brand of your website.

·       Your choice of color should not clash with each other also for example don’t use purple and red colors next to each other, it will make your website ugly.

·       Website should be simple and user-friendly through which users can easily use the website.

·       More complexity will reduce the user on the website.   

·       Professional logo.

·        Good spelling and grammar.

·        Up-to-date contact information.

·        No technical glitches.

·       Clear navigation.

·       Total transparency.

·       We can highly recommend you use high-quality Images in your website for the best outputs results of any Website

·       Professional logo.

·        Good spelling and grammar.

·        Up-to-date contact information.

·        No technical glitches.

·       Clear navigation.

·       Total transparency, etc.

·       The viewer is very impatient and they are not waiting to log in if your website speed is slow.

·       The viewers/visitors move away from the website within 5 seconds if their id doesn’t load fast.

·       So you can do this thing you can compress the image, video, and any type of document before you add it there.

·       You can also combine code into a central CSS or Java script file to reduce the HTTP requests.

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