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Colleges for B.Des. (Transportation Design)


MIT Art, Design And Technology University (MIT-ADT Pune)

Pune, Maharastra
Study Programs
132 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
JEE-Main (Paper-2) /...
Fee Range
Rs./- to Rs./-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

World University Of Design, (WUD)

Sonipat, Haryana, Delhi-NCR
Study Programs
5 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs./- to Rs./-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

University Of Petroleum And Energy Studies (UPES)

Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Study Programs
275 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
UPESEAT/ JEE Mains/ ...
Fee Range
Rs./- to Rs./-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

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