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Top MBBS/MD Colleges in Russia

About Russia

  • Capital:                            Moscow
  • Currency:                         Russian Ruble (RU)
  • Dialing Code:                   +7
  • Official Language:           Russian
  • Religion:                            Christianity

Russia is known worldwide for its academic excellence in higher studies. Over 2 million students are enrolled in Russian Universities and institutes. Nearly, 875000 science students and over 17250 medical students are enrolled in different Russian institutes. These students actively participate in exploring advanced technology and new scientific methods. Russian medical institutes are well equipped with advanced technologies and adopt the latest teaching methods, which further ensure the complete development of a student. The student-teacher ratio in these institutes is about 7:1. The medical degrees granted by Russian medical colleges are ranked at the top by UNESCO and WHO and are globally recognized. Russian Medical Colleges have grabbed nearly 30 top positions within the world ranking.

Russian Federation includes some of the best medical colleges in the world. MBBS in Russia is MCI (Medical Council of India) recognized. Also, there is no entrance test for admission in the MBBS programs in the Russian medical schools and universities.

Currently, more than 10,000 students are studying in the medical institutions of Russia because this country has opened its doors since the time of the Soviet Union.

  1. Ukraine

  2. Russia

  3. Armenia

  4. Belarus

  5. Philippines

  6. Kazakhstan

  7. Kyrgyzstan

  8. China

  9. Georgia

  10. Nepal

  11. Bangladesh

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