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Top Engineering Colleges and Universities

College Of Engineering Roorkee

Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Study Programs
8 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.136000/- to Rs.136000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Uttaranchal University

Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Study Programs
14 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Uttaranchal Universi...
Fee Range
Rs.56350/- to Rs.163000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

DIT University

Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Study Programs
19 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
DITU Application For...
Fee Range
Rs.116600/- to Rs.295000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
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Babu Banarasi Das University

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Study Programs
7 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
BBDU Application For...
Fee Range
Rs.80000/- to Rs.124000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Babu Banarasi Das National Institute Of Technology & Management

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Study Programs
7 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.118800/- to Rs.118800/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Babu Banarasi Das Institute Of Technology

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh (Delhi-NCR)
Study Programs
6 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.100000/- to Rs.100000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Raj Kumar Goel Institute Of Technology

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh (Delhi-NCR)
Study Programs
7 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.110500/- to Rs.171200/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Inderprastha Engineering College

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh (Delhi-NCR)
Study Programs
8 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.136000/- to Rs.136000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

R.D.Engineering College

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh (Delhi-NCR)
Study Programs
8 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.97500/- to Rs.97500/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Dr. K. N. Modi Institute Of Engineering & Technology

Modinagar (Ghaziabad), Uttar Pradesh (Delhi-NCR)
Study Programs
7 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.101760/- to Rs.101760/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Ideal Institute Of Technology

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh (Delhi-NCR)
Study Programs
6 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.92500/- to Rs.92500/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

HR Institute Of Technology

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh (Delhi-NCR)
Study Programs
5 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.103800/- to Rs.103800/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /
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