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Top Medical Colleges and Universities

Dr. Halim Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital

Darbhanga, Bihar
Study Programs
1 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.150000/- to Rs.150000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Bhabha College Of Dental Sciences

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Study Programs
1 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs./- to Rs./-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Rosy Royal Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital

Bangalore, Karnatka
Study Programs
1 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.200000/- to Rs.200000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /

Adichunchanagiri Institute Of Medical Sciences Bellur

Bellur, Karnataka
Study Programs
1 Courses
Entrance Exams Accepted
Fee Range
Rs.100000/- to Rs.100000/-
Ranking / Accreditation
-- /
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